Fractured Online Wiki

Knowledge points in Fractured are used to unlock player characters new talents by increasing their rank.

In Fractured Online, level are represented by ranks and every rank grants the player one talent point. Ranks are thresholds of knowledge point very similar to the concept of experience points in other games. The number of knowledge points for each rank increases for higher ranks.


Earning knowledge points is possible in a few ways. You can find a complete list here: List of KP possibilities.

Talent Tree

Talent Tree Fractured Resized

At a superficial look, this is not much different from a canonical MMORPG talent system. Whereas in classic MMORPGs you gain a new Talent Point occasionally when leveling up, in Fractured Online you’re free to choose when to obtain one by spending a fixed amount of your Knowledge Points. The Talent Points you have – up to 60 – can then be assigned to the nodes of your Talent Tree. The latter is divided into six branches, each focused on one of the main character attributes, plus six “hybrid” branches.

Unlike other MMORPGs, Talent Points can be re-assigned as many times as needed during a Resting phase (by sitting down in front of a fire to change all your Talents to match the stats and abilities of your character). You can also handily save pre-defined configurations.

Ability Learning

Fractured Online's magical and combat abilities are discovered and learned through a truly unique process.


Abilities menu

When you open your Character Abilities window for the first time, most of the abilities listed in each School are in an Undiscovered state (greyed out). By looking at the tooltip of an Undiscovered ability, you can see what creatures in the world know about it (and thus use it in combat). The only thing left to do is for you to find where they reside and hunt them down! Beware though, as most abilities are only associated to a specific family of monsters, which reside in a specific continent of one of the three planets. Each creature typically knowns multiple abilities, which become "Ready To Learn" at different stages of the progression of the Bestiary entry associated to that creature.


After you have the ability, you were looking for as Ready to Learn, click on it and spend the required amount of Knowledge Points. Please note that learning an ability is not enough to use it. Memorizing an ability near the fire is a necessary requirement!
