Fractured Online Wiki
Icon TT Armor

Armor determines the mitigated portion of any received physical damage and is split into three separate modifiers, one for each physical damage type: Slash, Pierce, and Crush. When a piece of equipment provides Physical Armor, it means that it is providing that amount of Armor to all 3 values. Armor is expressed by a value that ranges between -2000 and +2000, which is in turn converted to a -85% and +85% modifier by a non-linear formula. Armor mostly comes from equipment.


Graph showing armor scaling / conversion values.

Graph showing armor scaling / conversion values.





The value of 500 is the Armor needed to reduce any incoming physical damage by 50%.

It's not possible to reach 100% damage reduction for physical damage.

Items with Armor[]

Item NameSlotArmorArmor from Recipes
Assassin BootsFeetPhysical Armor: 36
Slash Armor: 32
Assassin ClothesChestPhysical Armor: 36
Slash Armor: 64
Assassin GlovesHandsPhysical Armor: 36
Slash Armor: 32
Assassin HoodHeadPhysical Armor: 36
Slash Armor: 32
Battlemage ArmorChestPhysical Armor: 112
Slash Armor: 80
Pierce Armor: 40
Battlemage BootsFeetPhysical Armor: 56
Slash Armor: 40
Pierce Armor: 20
Battlemage GauntletsHandsPhysical Armor: 56
Slash Armor: 40
Pierce Armor: 20
Battlemage HelmetHeadPhysical Armor: 56
Slash Armor: 40
Pierce Armor: 20
Bear HeaddressHeadPhysical Armor: 44
Crush Armor: 40
Chain Mail ArmorChestPhysical Armor: 104
Slash Armor: 80
Pierce Armor: 40
Chain Mail BootsFeetPhysical Armor: 52
Slash Armor: 40
Pierce Armor: 20
Chain Mail GauntletsHandsPhysical Armor: 52
Slash Armor: 40
Pierce Armor: 20
Chain Mail HelmetHeadPhysical Armor: 52
Slash Armor: 40
Pierce Armor: 20
Cleric ArmorChestPhysical Armor: 128
Slash Armor: 80
Pierce Armor: 40
Cleric BootsFeetPhysical Armor: 64
Slash Armor: 40
Pierce Armor: 20
Cleric GauntletsHandsPhysical Armor: 64
Slash Armor: 40
Pierce Armor: 20
Cleric HelmetHeadPhysical Armor: 64
Slash Armor: 40
Pierce Armor: 20
Commoner BootsFeetPhysical Armor: 16----
Commoner BracersHandsPhysical Armor: 16----
Commoner ClothesChestPhysical Armor: 32----
Commoner HoodHeadPhysical Armor: 16----
Direwolf HeaddressHead----
Full Plate ArmorChestPhysical Armor: 280----
Full Plate BootsFeetPhysical Armor: 140----
Full Plate GauntletsHandsPhysical Armor: 140----
Full Plate HelmetHeadPhysical Armor: 140----
Heater Shield----
Hide ArmorChestPhysical Armor: 88
Crush Armor: 80
Hide BootsFeetPhysical Armor: 44
Crush Armor: 40
Hide GlovesHandsPhysical Armor: 44
Crush Armor: 40
Hunter ArmorChestPhysical Armor: 144----
Hunter BootsFeetPhysical Armor: 72----
Hunter GlovesHandsPhysical Armor: 72----
Hunter HelmetHeadPhysical Armor: 72----
Knight ArmorChestPhysical Armor: 480----
Knight BootsFeetPhysical Armor: 240----
Knight GauntletsHandsPhysical Armor: 240----
Knight HelmetHeadPhysical Armor: 240----
Leather ArmorChestPhysical Armor: 80
Slash Armor: 72
Leather BootsFeetPhysical Armor: 40
Slash Armor: 36
Leather GlovesHandsPhysical Armor: 40
Slash Armor: 36
Leather HelmetHeadPhysical Armor: 40
Slash Armor: 36
Primitive ShieldShieldPhysical Armor: 80----
Ragged Cloth HoodHeadSlash Armor: +5
Pierce Armor: +3
Crush Armor: +10
Ragged ClothesChestSlash Armor: +15
Pierce Armor: +9
Crush Armor: +30
Ranger ArmorChestPhysical Armor: 80
Slash Armor: 88
Ranger BootsFeetPhysical Armor: 60
Slash Armor: 44
Ranger GlovesHandsPhysical Armor: 40
Slash Armor: 36
Ranger HelmetHeadPhysical Armor: 40
Slash Armor: 36
Rogue ArmorChestPhysical Armor: 112
Slash Armor: 72
Rogue BootsFeetPhysical Armor: 56
Slash Armor: 36
Rogue GlovesHandsPhysical Armor: 56
Slash Armor: 36
Rogue HelmetHeadPhysical Armor: 56
Slash Armor: 36
Round ShieldShieldPhysical Armor: 40----
Scale Mail ArmorChest----
Scale Mail BootsFeet----
Scale Mail GauntletsHands----
Scale Mail HelmetHead----
Scale Shield----
Scholar BootsFeetPhysical Armor: 20----
Scholar ClothesChestPhysical Armor: 40----
Scholar GlovesHandsPhysical Armor: 20----
Scholar HoodHeadPhysical Armor: 20----
Slayer ArmorChestPhysical Armor: 320----
Slayer BootsFeetPhysical Armor: 160----
Slayer GauntletsHandsPhysical Armor: 160----
Slayer HelmetHeadPhysical Armor: 160----
Stag HeaddressHeadPhysical Armor: 44
Crush Armor: 40
Tower ShieldShieldPhysical Armor: 240----
Warlock ArmorChestPhysical Armor: 128
Crush Armor: 80
Warlock BootsFeetPhysical Armor: 64
Crush Armor: 40
Warlock GlovesHandsPhysical Armor: 64
Crush Armor: 40
Warlock HelmetHeadPhysical Armor: 64
Crush Armor: 40
Wolf HeaddressHeadPhysical Armor: 44
Crush Armor: 40
Wooden ShieldShieldPhysical Armor: 80----